
How is it the second of May already

Is it lazy of me to compensate for a lack of content with old photos? Most likely. Anyway, these hark from an era where film wasn't entirely dead - when Vanbar had a store around the corner from uni, and a develop + scan to CD combo would rarely cost more than $10. The last film processing place in Footscray just closed down which is a shame because I have at least a dozen rolls to develop, including photos from Europe (2012) and possibly even earlier.

I don't remember what camera I took these with but I primarily used a Yashica 35-ME and a Praktica Nova. The latter is the most boxy and mechanical camera I've ever owned - the shutter closing sounds like a tiny guillotine crossed with a can being crushed all condensed into 1/100th of a second (in less kind terms, it's actually quite shoddy). Still does the job though. Onwards:

This is the former gatekeeper cottage thing at the tyre factory where I now live. It is directly behind my car space.

Another strange thing: my brother lives in this building now (so, in other words, next door) 

Charles at home in St. Albans

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