

Today I waited 2 hours to see my neurologist only to have them skirt the issue of why I was there (another brain and spine MRI referral because I've had too many brain/spine/sinus CT and DEXA scans in the past 24 months, and for some reason my GP can't refer me to an MRI that won't leave me a few hundred dollars out of pocket), and prescribe me a medication that is contraindicated for the other medication I take. It was a very pointless way to spend an afternoon.

The only positive outcome was that I got to see this neat hospital building - for some reason I walk past it quite often but I never stop to take a photo. I wonder how imposing the building would've looked when all the surrounding trees were just saplings. I have to attend another specialist appointment (this time about my weird jaw disease) at Sunshine Hospital next week so stay tuned for more photos of bizarre hospital architecture, I guess. 

Also, a weird observation: after my appointment, I walked past a bus stop outside VU and the vice-chancellor was just standing there (surrounded by a number of students who were totally oblivious to his presence). I thought he was the ABPL Dean at first. I wonder if he was actually catching the bus or just enjoying the youthful vibrancy of the crowd


  1. that is quite a jaw disease. quite a tldr jaw disease
