
Grass 2 ways and a broken cat

No photos of neat hospital architecture this time because Sunshine Hospital is actually kind of boring (well, there's one nice building but I didn't have time to stop and take a photo). I was also too tired to care - I got there ten minutes before my 8:30 am appointment, ended up seeing the specialist at 11:15 am, and left at 12:45 pm. After 2 hours of waiting I went to ask the receptionist how much longer I'd have to wait, and she assumed I was at the clinic with a grandparent or something, which was funny but also kind of sad (apart from me, the next youngest person there was in their 60s). 

The visit wasn't as productive as I hoped it would be because both specialists (including the head of endocrinology) admitted they were out of their depth (re: ICR jaw problem) and that the referral should've actually gone to the rheumatology department instead. Oh well. The good news is that now a grand total of 6 specialists now think I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome as an underlying cause of this condyle thing (but 6 "this definitely appears to be Ehlers-Danlos" isn't at all equivalent to an actual diagnosis) . 

I got a DEXA scan done too and the woman operating the machine thought I was lying on an angle until she realised, after 3 scans, that my spine is crooked - not me. Which is good, in that my ability to lie down in a straight 'line' is yet to be compromised.

I'm editing this to specify that none of the above is really that bad (to me at least) and the thing which bugged me most today was seeing someone walking and eating a salad at the same time. This kind of behaviour shouldn't be condoned, and must be considered alongside similar food-related faux pas which I can't think of right now but would definitely be irritated by if I happened to witness such a thing

In the waiting room: a weird homage to the basalt plains grassland on which the hospital stands

Camouflaged footpath

This is what red eye removal does to an angry kitten

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