
Sunshine North and some extras

The power steering rack in my car finally decided to kick the bucket after almost 27 years so the last month has been really boring i.e. I'm either at home or at uni, doing/seeing nothing worth posting about.

Anyway $1400 later (ugh), everything is OK, now I can drive all the time and go anywhere I want - so of course I visited Sunshine North on my way back from LaManna today: 

How do you even do this to a fence

Don't know if you can tell but there's another part to the new barrier/gate thing which is completely obstructed by the main gate. Someone didn't think it through

Can you tell I was doing a three point turn at this point? Check out that reflection, the mechanic washed my car for me (something I haven't done in years)

This was once an independently-owned hardware store which basically went out of business as soon as Bunnings opened on Ballarat Rd. Weird building but also a bad photo

Now for random things - Footscray Market at 10 pm on a Thursday

Getting car back yesterday

Hoya on the balcony bloomed for a second time this summer - love these flowers, they don't look real, nice velvety texture too. Blurry monstera in the background is thriving as well though I don't know if the fruit on it is ripe or rotting

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