
Mystery week

I'm glad there's one week out of 52 where I can do nothing and sleep whenever and I don't have to feel guilty because the bizarro time void between Christmas and NYE makes it all OK. I spent all of today thinking it was Thursday and yesterday I thought it was Saturday so yeah(!) ... now is prime time to take pointless photos of places I always drive past while thinking "I should stop to take a photo of that one day" (and in a similar vein, things I walk past multiple times a week that are now so very boring to me but someone on the internet may want to see, I'm sure of it...)

Sunshine North, new gate/fence along Albion-Jacana line

Braybrook factory, weird frontage

They used to make confectionary here, then glass, and now fun (in the form of '234 Fun Galore'). Maribyrnong Heritage Review has a more comprehensive history but you can use Google if you really want to know

You can barely see it, but an explosion happened a few blocks away (I am a deep sleeper and heard nothing) and this helicopter circled around for ages


Aftermath of explosion

Really eerie seeing cars abandoned and lights still cycling through red/amber/green


Garbage dumped behind old substation

Sunrise (today)

Sunset (also today)

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