
Some things I listened to in September 2016

I was actually going to write something (totally unrelated to anything but not worth a post on its own) but guess what! I don't remember it anymore. So it probably wasn't important

Did We Meet Somewhere Before, from Paul McCartney's Cold Cuts

The Durutti Column are good, this is For Belgian Friends

Elliott Smith - Question mark

John Zorn - Chi Mai. This can be found on an album of reworked Ennio Morricone songs, which includes an enjoyable take on The Sicilian Clan, one of my favourites

Thick Pigeon - Dog. This is on a really hit-and-miss compilation called Les Filles Du Crépuscule which I found after I heard this song, weird because you're usually meant to do it the other way around and find the compilation first, right? I don't know. Don't care either. Seeya

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