
Kram z literami

This book was way too complex for my tiny 3ish year old brain so I don't recall reading it so much as just looking at the pictures (which are excellent)

This book is from 1987

I don't know what I tried to draw inside the book but it looks like fire? and a banana on a stick (a crescent moon?)

Down with reading

This is probably my favourite picture from the whole book because I doubt they licensed the likeness of Donald Duck and tried to get around it by taking away his hat

Indoctrinated with a love for pelargonium since a young age which is why I now have 4 of these plants on the balcony. They are the best

There is no V in the Polish alphabet (so yes, if you un-anglicise it, I'm Wiktoria) and I evidently tried to add it... in the wrong place

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