
Post title ok

I ran a red light today by accident (I didn't think the lights applied to me [this was at Moonee Ponds junction by the way] since there was a left arrow and a right arrow and I wasn't turning either way but driving straight on, and actually thought I had blocked the intersection by stopping) and I still feel so guilty I had to write it down somewhere so I can stop thinking about it. I think this is the second time I've ever done that (the first being on St. Georges Rd just before the bridge over the Merri, and that was like four years ago).

The start of September marks 8 years since I got my license so I guess these things happen once every 4 years

Oh well here's some stuff


  1. Wow I just read you have ICR. You are only the 2nd person I have found of having it in Australia. Well, you know, on the internet. I have recently been diagnosed/suspected of having it (2 specialists i consulted with re surgery said yes CR, 1 said no as I don't have an open bite and high mandibular angle) . However I have the receding lower jaw, bite change (class 2 with a flared out overjet) and really nasty looking degenerated condyles. I'm in Melbourne too. Would love to be in contact with you. I want jaw surgery but no one is really helping me figure if it is active or not - it seems the answer to everything is just 'we don't know'. Have you had a SPECT bone scan? I'm going to try organise one through my GP as that is what I've read they use in the US to detect disease activity. Would love to email or FB you.

    1. Hi! Feel free to add me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/vikusia and we can chat there! :)

      How long have you suspected the ICR has been occurring? I didn't have an open bite or a high mandibular angle until I had braces done (my shoddy ortho rushed what should've been 36-48 months of braces into 24 months, which my new ortho and oral surgeon both suspect caused the ICR process to begin). I got my braces off in 2011 and my mandibular angle and bite have only gotten worse since then (but especially within the last 2 years). The SPECT scan sounds fascinating and I'd love to find out more about it! The treatment methodology seems very different in the US - I think here surgeons tend to be a little more conservative rather than rushing in to intervene (not necessarily a bad thing but it can make dealing with ICR very frustrating when there's no end-point in sight!).
