

I meant to update this from Canberra but 3 days of no real internet meant I fell out of the habit. I am back now (obviously) with not much to say. I have a bad cough that is evidently going around because most people I know are also suffering; teaching is good; kitten is bad (in a good way) and is also now officially named Egg; and thesis is going well (I think). I went to the VU library today because they have a lot of old municipal reports/documentation concerning the Maribyrnong Valley, quarries, and industry in general, which aren't available at the ERC for some reason. I only intended to ask if intra-library loans were a thing and the woman there made me sign up for some bizarre card and told me that half the things I wanted are only "available by appointment", meaning I now have to go in at 3:30 pm on Friday to talk to a specific person who is permitted to fetch it and supervise me while I photocopy relevant pages. But that's OK I guess.

Egg makes a new enemy 
Bowling ball cat with a terrifying face

Egg in a box


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